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Sprint Qualification

Sprint Final

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Middle Final

Long Qualification

Long Final




Classes and rules

Competition rules

The Competition Rules for IOF Foot Orienteering Events (in force since 1 January 2007) apply for WOC 2008. Deviation from competition rule 3.2. has been approved by the IOF Council. Competition rules for IOF Foot orienteering events (PDF file)

Classes and Participation Restriction

The following rules from the Competition Rules for IOF Foot Orienteering Events (in force since January 1, 2007) apply to participation in WOC 2008:

5.7 There is one class for women and one for men. There are no age restrictions.

6.1 A competitor may represent only one Federation during any one calendar year.

6.2 Competitors who are representing a Federation shall have full passport-holding citizenship of the country of that Federation.

6.3 Each participating Federation shall appoint a team manager to act as a contact person between the team and the organiser. It is the team manager’s duty to see that the team receives all necessary information.

6.4 Competitors participate at their own risk. Insurance against accidents shall be the responsibility of their Federation or themselves, according to national regulations.

6.5 All competitors represent a Federation. Each Federation may enter a team of up to 14 competitors - up to 7 women and 7 men - and a number of team officials. The organiser shall fix the maximum number of officials per team, in accordance with the available facilities. This maximum number shall be the same for each team and shall be at least 5.

6.6 In each qualification race, every Federation may enter up to 3 women and 3 men and, in addition, the current World Champions for the distance may be entered by their Federation(s) provided they are members of the Federation’s team. In the final, only the competitors placed number 15 and better in each qualification race heat may participate.

6.7 In the Relay, each Federation may enter one women’s team and one men’s team, each consisting of 3 team members. Incomplete teams and teams with runners from more than one Federation are not allowed. Under no circumstances may persons other than entered competitors participate in the competition.

For WOC 2008, each Federation may enter a team consisting of up to 7 women, 7 men and 8 team officials.


There are no regulations applying to runners concerning the type of footwear or clothing they choose to wear. You are recommended to keep your arms and legs covered, as a protection against tick bites!

Anti-Doping Code

Doping is forbidden: «think positive - test negative».

The organisers of WOC 2008 are committed to do everything required to support the officialanti-dopingauthoritiesin the successful and transparent realisation of their work. We strongly support all positive effortstokeepoursportclean and free of doping practices. Refer to the IOF Anti-Doping Code: its rules, in force since January 1, 2007 apply. IOF Anti-Doping rules (PDF file)

Title sponsor

CEZ Group


Government partners

The Olomouc Region
The City of Olomouc
The City of Prostějov



TK Plus
Czech Orienteering Federation