Final status of entries07/07/08 22:47 PMIn total 335 competitors from 40 countries of 4 continents entered for WOC 2008. Not only 30 European orienteering federations, but also USA, Canada, South Africa, Israel, China, Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei, Japan, Australia and New Zealand will be represented. Around 200 runners will participate in each discipline, in particular 202 entered for middle, 201 for sprint and 192 for long. During last day of WOC, 63 relay teams should be on start. The highest possible number of competitors from one country, which is set by rules to 14, should arrive from Finnland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine. In contrary, the smallest participation is coming from the Netherlands, created by single one competitor without any attendance. List of teams, including names of runners, can be found here. |